Question An ocean mammal, such as the blue whale, behaves quite differently than mammals that live on land. A. [NO CHANGE] B. behave quite differently C. behaves quite different D. has behaviors quite differently different(differ)[ˈdɪfrənt] 1.다른, 차이가 나는 2.각각 다른, (각양)각색의 land[lænd] 1.육지, 뭍, 땅 2.(특정 유형·용도의) 땅 3.(땅표면에) 내려앉다, 착륙하다 4.(비행기를) 착륙시키다 blue whale 1.흰긴수염고래 such as 1.예를 들어 (…와 같은) 2.…와 같은 행동..